Support for deaf pupils slashed by £4m
More than a third of councils in England are cutting educational support totalling £4m for deaf children, according to figures obtained by the National...
13 Reasons to Sign to Your Hard of Hearing or Cochlear Implanted Child
Extracted from "On Deafness" - By Elizabeth Engelman.
When we implanted our profoundly deaf two-year-old son Micah with cochlear implants, we gave little thought to American Sign...
Analysis of the debate in Parliament for BSL to be on the National Curriculum
Despite the petition for British Sign Language (BSL) to be on the National Curriculum not reaching the normal threshold to be considered for debate...
Gallaudet University – ‘Deaf President Now’
Gallaudet University is the only one in the world where all seminars and lectures are in Sign. It is in Washington DC and was...
Manualism vs Oralism debate
Because humans use our eyes more than any other sense and because of our instinctive fear of the dark, most people think deafness must...
How I learnt a foreign language with a hearing loss
You might be wondering, how can a deaf person with speech, learn a foreign language? During my time at school, I learnt German. Here’s...
Deaf Academy unveil designs for Exmouth at the House of Lords
Exeter Deaf Academy presented their plans for their world class Deaf Academy in Exmouth last week, at a prestigious event at the House of...
97% of young people support for BSL in GCSE
97% of young people support the idea of a GCSE in British Sign Language (BSL). A petition (currently at 22,008 signatures) calls for BSL...
Dr Paddy Ladd recognised by York St John University
Press Release by York St John University
Leading figures in the charity sector, conservation, psychology, business, sport, music, television and the Deaf community will be...
Let’s meet Paul Ntulila!
(Note: Video includes British Sign Language and subtitles)
It has been over a month since kids have returned to school and students attending the university -...