12 year old’s legal campaign to have BSL as a GCSE
Daniel Jillings has set up his own legal campaign to fight for a GCSE in British Sign Language. The campaign is receiving support through crowdfunding contributions on CrowdJustice.
Which are the best universities for studying Sign and which are the best for...
Universities are inherently problematic for BSL signers, as so much depends on developing networking skills. At the end of the day, go to the one with the largest number of Deaf students. It will have the best developed support network, and for hearing BSL students, the greatest BSL-using population to mingle with. Getting a degree is more important than what type of degree it is.
A letter to… our child, who is deaf, for whom we have to make...
Extracted from The Guardian - 16 December 2017.
Forgive me, my darling girl, we are going to make a decision for you. It is a...
Keeping deaf children safe from sexual abuse
The NSPCC launched a video version of its successful Underwear Rule guidance this month to help keep deaf children safe from sexual abuse.
The new...
Potential progress to have BSL as a GCSE?
Nick Gibb, the Minister of State for Schools, seems to have changed his mind slightly on there being a GCSE in British Sign Language.
Punk Chef comes to town!
The Punk Chef was putting youngsters from the Phoenix Group for Deaf Children through their culinary paces at Knightsfield School in Welwyn Garden City,...
Is your deaf child ready for the new school year?
Enjoying the summer holidays? Fantastic! But in the back of your mind, you’re probably thinking about the new school year, which is only a few weeks away!
Christmas Gift Guide for Deaf Children
Looking for the perfect Christmas present for your deaf child? Here are some ideas!
‘Lost generation’ of deaf children falling behind by one grade at GCSE
New Government data, analysed by the NDCS (National Deaf Children’s Society), shows that English deaf children are falling a whole grade behind their hearing peers at GCSE, despite deafness not being a learning disability
The Perfect Gift Guide for Deaf People
Got a deaf friend or family member? Unsure what to buy them this Christmas? Check out my inspiration guide!