Poetry and Music event BSL interpreted by Rebekah Spencer.
When: Saturday 30 June, Rich Mix, £10-8
Africa Writes is the UK’s biggest annual African literature and book festival brought to you by the Royal African Society. The official festival party will be hosted by Octavia Poetry Collective, a womxn of colour poetry group. Join the Wakanda-themed event celebrating the words, art and song of womxn from Africa and the diaspora.
The event features art displays, gal-dem DJs and a line-up of poets including Sarah Lasoye, Victoria Adukwei Bulley, Hibaq Osman, Rachel Long, Belinda Zhawi, Amina Jama, 2018 African Poetry Prize winners Theresa Lola and Momtaza Mehri (the 2018 Young Laureate for London). Award-winning author and long-time advocate for writers of colour Bernardine Evaristo will deliver a speech on ‘Warrior Womxn Writers’.
Book tickets: www.richmix.org.uk