Can astronomy be made a deaf-friendly career path?
How can astronomy be made a deaf-friendly career path? How can we encourage deaf students into the subject?
Just imagine being a scientist who has to text or (if their colleague understands it) fingerspell every star, planet and comet they are discussing with hearing colleagues.
Best Apps for Deaf People
In this tech-savvy day and age, it’s not a surprise that most people have a smartphone. With a ton of Apps out on the marketplace, all with different purposes and some are more beneficial than we realise… Here are the Best Apps for Deaf people
How do D/deaf people experience music?
‘How can D/deaf people hear music’… ‘D/deaf people must really miss music’…
These questions and phrases are commonly asked and is a common myth I’d like to dispel in this blog.
Any D/deaf person, regardless of their level of hearing loss can experience or ‘hear’ music, they might just access it differently to the way hearing people do.
How Deaf friendly are our gadgets?
How Deaf friendly are our gadgets? Bluetooth is spreading everywhere: Bluetooth speakers, Bluetooth earphones and now, even hearing aids can be Bluetooth speakers.
Arsenal Football Club Launch Partnership With SignVideo
Arsenal Football Club is one of the first Premier League Clubs to announce a new partnership with SignVideo to provide better access for deaf and hard of hearing fans who use BSL.
Deaf friendly doorbells
Conventional homes are designed for the hearing majority of the population. Doorbells, fire alarms, telephones and baby monitors are all auditory. Without visual or vibrating replacements, a Deaf person will live a much more dangerous life.
Deafblind Technology
In 2008 Dr Arun Mehta, a disability rights activist, was making a speech in Bengalaru. He was talking about technology for disabled people when he felt someone touching his throat. It was Zamir Dhale, a Deafblind boy who was trying to understand him by feeling his Adam's apple vibrating.
How to decorate your hearing technologies
There’s a stigma around hearing technologies that they’re beige, big and ugly… but this generation is changing that stigma with the new, revamped technologies that are out!
Captioned Theatre: Behind the Scenes!
Last week was all about recognising the wonders of captions. As part of Captioning Awareness Week, I was invited by Stagetext to watch a captioned performance of Mamma Mia the Musical in London!
10 Deaf YouTubers You Should Check Out!
If you’re looking for some new channels to watch, here’s a list of my favourite Deaf YouTubers you should check out! Most of them subtitle their videos! (cc)