18.6 C
London, UK
Saturday, September 14, 2024

Deaf Travel Tips

Travelling with deafness can feel daunting at times, not knowing if there’s announcements, relying on listening for safety, communication barriers, but these can all be addressed and shouldn’t stop you from exploring and enjoying yourselves!

5 tips for deaf flying

Those who know me in person, will know that I am not a keen flier. Those who don’t know me at all, let me...

Memories of Nepal 2016 (BSL)

https://vimeo.com/195837912/84ef015a19 BDA Chair Dr Terry Riley visited Nepal late last year for the 111th World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Board Meeting. This is his...
adrian bailey with two others CODA international banner

My summer of discovery

A two month trip to the United States this summer included a visit to the CODA International Conference for Adrian Bailey. https://vimeo.com/216672734 I have to say it...
kenya volunteers

Championing Deaf awareness in the developing world

A group of ten young Deaf British volunteers recently travelled to Nandi County, Kenya, where they worked alongside Deaf Kenyan volunteers to help Deaf...
solomon islands photo

Blank Canvas Voyage: Meeting the Solomon Islands Deaf Community

In the August issue we met Thomas and Telma and heard all about their ongoing Blank Canvas Voyage. This month we present a more...
north korea statue

Deaf advances in North Korea

WFD North Korea Committee Chair, Terry Riley, visits one of the world’s last communist societies, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or North Korea...

Blank Canvas Voyage

This month we have been lucky enough to catch up with Thomas Giddens and Telma Louro. It was not easy as they have been...
voluntears sitting on wall

Opening the door to new horizons

When Nicolas Hall asked his friend Richard Clowes to help him find a voluntary work trip suitable for deaf people they realised there was...