The Big RNID Survey 2024
RNID, the charity supporting people who are deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus, are running a survey about your life experiences. Are you deaf, or do you have hearing loss? Then we want you to tell us what it’s like living in the UK today. This is the biggest survey RNID has ever run to understand public attitudes towards deaf people and people with hearing loss. We’ve asked the general public what they think about deafness and hearing loss and now – most importantly – we want to find out from our the deaf and hearing loss communities about their real-life experiences. Your opinion matters. It helps to educate, change people’s minds, and influence their behaviour. Share your experiences and help make a more inclusive society for all. There is also a chance to win one of five £100 shopping vouchers. More information: Start Survey
The Punk Chef was putting youngsters from the Phoenix Group for Deaf Children through their culinary paces at Knightsfield School in Welwyn Garden City,...
BDN presents first hand reports from UK visitors to the recent EUDY Youth Camp and General Assembly in Leksand, Sweden.
Ninety-seven participants from 28 countries...
Conventional homes are designed for the hearing majority of the population. Doorbells, fire alarms, telephones and baby monitors are all auditory. Without visual or vibrating replacements, a Deaf person will live a much more dangerous life.
This month we present the first part of a two part interview with the World Federation for the Deaf (WFD) President and newly elected...
What are the intellectual and technological breakthroughs that have liberated the Deaf community from isolation?
The earliest reference to the Deaf using Sign is in...
Nicaraguan Sign Language is one of the world's youngest languages. Until the first Deaf school in 1977, the Nicaraguan Deaf community was isolated and languageless. After the Sandinista Revolution in 1979, Nicaraguan Sign was spontaneously created by deaf children gathered together in oralist schools run by East German teachers.