Let’s get BSL into the National Curriculum

Help make BSL a mandatory subject in schools.

TV & Radio Presenter Wayne Barrow has set up an e-petition calling for British Sign Language to be part of the National Curriculum.

The petition is already approaching 3,000 signatures and Wayne is now calling on BDN readers to back his campaign and help him towards his goal of BSL becoming a mandatory subject in schools.

When the petition reaches 10,000 signatures the government have to respond. If it reaches 100,000 signatures, the petition will be considered for debate in Parliament

He says: “I beg and urge you all to sign and spread the word about this petition. Two minutes of your life could make a whole life time of happiness for others!”

Wayne, 24, is hearing but has deaf parents and learned to sign before he could talk properly.

SIGN HERE Make BSL part of the National Curriculum – January 2017 (NOW CLOSED)

UPDATED AS AT 12/09/2017


Message from petition creator – Wayne Barrow:

Wayne Barrow“I’m so excited! The petitions committee has relaunched, which means I have a new petition to make BSL part of the National Curriculum. We have had to start from 0 signatures again, but together we can make the 100,000 signatures. Make sure you sign this, share it, tag your friends and family. Let’s get this going again!”

>> SIGN HERE – NEW PETITION – Make British Sign Language part of the National Curriculum – September 2017