The REP and the Regional Theatre Young Director Scheme (RTYDS) have today launched an ‘Introduction to Directing‘ course for West Midlands based new and emerging D/deaf and disabled directors in autumn 2017. The course will offer an amazing opportunity for anyone that has considered a career in directing or already has some experience but has faced barriers from pursuing it further.
We are aware that for a long time D/deaf and disabled artists have faced barriers accessing mainstream training and opportunities that would aid their career progression. The course will be an introductory look at the toolkit you will need to pursue a career in theatre as well as a showcase of your work to an invited audience at the end. It is also a great opportunity to meet, work and learn from the in-house arts team at the REP.
The course will include weekly workshops with professional theatre directors and practitioners from both The REP and beyond focussing on the skills and resources individuals need to take work from the page to the stage and to continue to develop their craft.
The first workshop will begin on the evening of Wednesday 13 September 2017 and will run every week for 10 weeks culminating in a sharing of participants work to an invited audience.
All access requirements (i.e. BSL interpreter, etc) will be met.
>> See link for more information and how to apply – tap here