Royal Shakespeare Company: Romeo and Juliet

Start date: 28th November 2018
End date: 15th December 2018
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Barbican Theatre
Forthcoming events | November

Wed 28 Nov, 7:15pm – Semi-integrated BSL performance
Sat 15 Dec, 1:30pm – Audio-described and captioned performance
Time: 7:15pm, 1:30pm
Venue: Barbican Theatre
More info & Booking link:

Set in a world very like our own, this Romeo and Juliet is about a generation of young people born into violence and ripped apart by the bitter divisions of their parents.

What if your first true love was someone you’d been told to hate? Shakespeare’s most famous story explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change but leads all too quickly to devastating consequences.

RSC Deputy Artistic Director Erica Whyman is back at the Barbican following her acclaimed production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream: A Play for the Nation in 2016. Bally Gill and Karen Fishwick are the star-crossed lovers, with the professional cast joined by young people from RSC Associate Schools in London who will perform as part of the chorus.

2 hours 43 mins/including an interval


Presented by the Barbican
The Royal Shakespeare Company is supported using public funding by Arts Council England
The RSC Acting Companies are generously supported by The Gatsby Charitable Foundation and The Kovner Foundation
The RSC Associate Schools programme is supported by Paul Hamlyn Foundation, The Polonsky Foundation and The Ernest Cook Trust