Director of Communications and Fundraising – SignHealth
Salary: £74k
Location: London
When we describe SignHealth as ‘the Deaf health charity’, we mean exactly that. We are a unique Deaf-led organisation, here to improve Deaf people’s health and wellbeing. We work in partnership with other deaf organisations, the NHS, the government and, most importantly, with Deaf people. Our focus is on people like us who use British Sign Language (BSL). This is where our expertise lies and where we can make a real difference. We provide psychological therapy, domestic abuse support and social care services, all delivered by Deaf people to Deaf people directly in BSL. We are one of the UK’s largest voluntary sector employers of Deaf people, and many of our hearing colleagues are also fluent sign language users.
This is a career-shaping role leading our communications and fundraising for better access and service provision across the full spectrum of Deaf people’s health and wellbeing. Your career to date may not have been in communications or fundraising but because we’re looking for skills, rather than a particular type of CV, you may well be just right for the role.
So what are we looking for? Well, you’ll be passionate about Deaf people’s right to access health and wellbeing services. You may have been involved in changing people’s minds about the Deaf experience. You may have argued for social change or raised funds and collaborated with others to achieve it. BSL is your preferred language. We will provide professional and personal support to help you thrive in your new role, in return we ask for your passion and personal commitment to improve provision for Deaf people.
We recognise the urgent need to address the health inequality Deaf people who are Black, Asian or from a minoritised ethnic community face. Outdated vocabulary and structural assumptions about people of colour still persist in sign language, in our Deaf community, as well as across much of the health system. SignHealth is determined to play a leading role in tackling these issues once and for all. So we are particularly interested in expressions of interest from people of colour.
Do you want to join us? Please visit www.signhealth-director.co.uk where you will find further information in BSL and English. Deaf and want to have an informal discussion about the role in BSL? Just email signhealth@cadencepartners.co.uk and we will put you in touch with Joanna Wootten, Deaf Associate with Cadence Partners. We positively welcome applications from Deaf people who use BSL and meet the criteria set out in the Person Specification.
Closing date: Monday 9 May 2022.