New Deaf research – Can you help?

Help required for new Deaf identity research

Madeleine Chapman, a Danish researcher specialising in Deaf studies has embarked on new research about Deaf identity and she would like the help of BDN readers.

Madeleine explains: “I am a researcher based at Aarhus University in Denmark and I am currently conducting research on Deaf identity and culture both within Denmark and the U.K. For example, in Denmark, I am exploring identity in the context of the legacy of the bilingual/bicultural movement.

“My research is funded by the Danish Deaf Association.

“I am seeking deaf adults (aged 16 and above) to interview for my research. I have funds for interpreters. I need six people in total.

“In terms of my background, I am a qualitative researcher, with a PhD in social psychology from the University of Copenhagen. My interests are in exploring the unique content and dynamics of minority cultures and identities. It is a fascinating and, I believe, an under-explored area of research with respect to the Deaf community.”

If you would like to help Madeleine or would like to know more before you commit, please email her at:

Did you know?

There are about 170 sign languages in the world according to the database Glottolog.

In Denmark there are about 4000 deaf people who use sign language as their mother tongue. (Source:

In 2014 Danish Sign Language was politically approved as a minority language.