“Power in Our Hands”, the BDA’s ground-breaking feature length documentary released in 2015, is now available to watch in the comfort of your own home or on the train thanks to a new deal to provide on-demand streaming on the British Film Institute’s BFI Player
For just £4.50 (£3.83 for BFI members) you can rent the HD version of the film to stream online for two days from the moment you pay your rental.
The film, which received widespread acclaim on its release, combines the BDA’s archive footage with new interviews to reveal the hidden history and heritage of the Deaf community in the UK. Beginning with some very rare footage, the film then charts the Deaf community’s campaign for equality, access and full recognition of British Sign Language.
Power in our Hands enjoyed a total of 140 screenings nationwide last year at Odeon, Picturehouse and many other smaller theatres. The original target had been a very modest 10 film screenings, so the reach surpassed all expectations. Viewer feedback was extremely positive and audiences connected with the film emotionally.
Power in Our Hands is available through on-demand streaming, on the British Film Institute’s BFI Player. You can watch it HERE NOW!