Following the move from our old premises at 11-13 Wilson Patten Street , the period from 1st October to 31st January saw the Deaf Museum Curatorial Team plus a handyman volunteer put together all the dismantled bookcases, cupboards that had been left on the floor of the new premises and arrange the new museum layout. Then during January, the Team pulled together the exhibits and prepared a Museum Guide and also labelled many of the exhibits.
We have quite a lot of interest from groups wishing to visit the Museum, including coach parties of up to 50 people! It will be a busy time for the Deaf Museum Curatorial Team fitting in all these visits.
The long awaited re-opening of the Deaf Museum & Archive took place on 3rd-6th February. The first group to visit the Museum were students and staff from UCLAN, Preston on Friday 3 February.
After a brief lecture in the Training/Meeting Room, the visitors were let loose to explore the Museum by themselves with the aid of the new Museum Guide Leaflet.
Comments from many of the visitors were very positive. A typical comment in our Visitors Book from Deborah of Preston read: Great Day out! Very interesting!
The official re-opening with invited guests took place on Monday evening 6 February when Tony Boyce, our BDHS President, gave a welcoming speech and cut the ribbon to declare the Deaf Museum open! There followed a Wine and Cheese Reception sponsored by the Deaf Museum Curatorial Team.
The Chair of the BDA, Dr Terry Riley, said afterwards: I really enjoyed today and the opening was fantastic.
Another invited guest remarked: This is really impressive and the layout is superb. Well done, Team, on a splendid exhibition and making it a great day!
The Deaf Museum is open to visitors with prior notice. Any individuals or groups wishing to visit the museum are requested to contact deafmuseum@bdhs.org.uk to check out available dates and book visits.
Deaf Museum location:
BDHS, 2nd Floor
Empire Court
30-40 Museum Street
Fab but where is it?? Warrington?
Hi Jen,
Yes that’s correct, it’s in Warrington. We have just added the venue address in the article – thanks for notifying.
BDN Team.