WANTED! Firewalkers to fundraise money for new deaf academy

Would you walk barefoot over red-hot embers to raise money for the New Deaf Academy in Exmouth?

Let me just say this: I have pyrophobia, i.e. I’m scared of fire. That did not stop me, however, from walking barefoot on red-hot embers for charity a few years ago!

Exmouth’s Mayor Councillor Jeff Trail and Deaf Academy Director Steve Morton will walk barefoot over five metres of red-hot embers (up to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit) on Saturday 1st December 2018. The Santa Sizzle Firewalk will take place from 16:30 to 19:00 at The Strand in Exmouth, Devon.

Trail and Morton are looking for other firewalkers to join them as part of the appeal to raise the remaining £250,000 needed to complete the construction of the academy.

The academy’s goal is to deliver world-class education and residential care facilities for its students. Exmouth’s New Deaf Academy has been designed by Deaf people for Deaf people, and it provides a rich curriculum in both British Sign Language and English. The crumbling, outdated buildings on the former Rolle College site, however, limits the difference it can make for Deaf young people.

As someone who has firewalked in the past, I can confirm that yes, the fire is real, and yes, you are barefoot! I won’t tell you how it’s done but I would do it again in a heartbeat. It’s an achievement to do something so daring for such a good cause. I’d register for this event myself but it’s a bit far for me up in Lancashire.

Entrants pay £15 to register and are asked to pledge to raise at least £100. Firewalkers will undergo a one-hour training seminar. When contacted, Scott Bell at UK Firewalk (2x Guinness World Record Holder for greatest distance walked on fire) confirmed there will be a BSL interpreter for any Deaf/hard of hearing participants.

To find out more or to book tickets, head over to the Deaf Academy’s EventBrite page here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/santa-sizzle-firewalk-tickets-48946355868

Independent writer, volunteer and performer from Lancashire, England. May every day be GEP: Good, Exciting and Productive!