12.8 C
London, UK
Saturday, May 4, 2024
125 year pictorial book open pages

BDA launches pictorial history book as part of 125 celebrations

An attractive new pictorial history of the BDA is being published later this month to mark the organisation’s 125th year. The book, a joint project...
emily and assessor inside car with satnav

Has letting the SatNav do the talking done the trick?

Even with interpreters – of which the DVSA confirmed it would cover the cost in 2015 – practical driving tests are stressful for deaf...
riley spence chuilin mcateer

The domino effect?

Just over a month after the BSL Act was passed in Scotland, Northern Ireland’s minister of culture used her speech at a reception welcoming...
woman hiding from man

DeafHope: A safe harbour for deaf domestic abuse survivors

As the festive season kicks off, the UK is set to see a spike in domestic abuse over the next few weeks as financial...
looking at share archive on tablet

Opening a door into Deaf History

A new BDA website opens its archives up to the public as well as allowing the Deaf community to share old photos and videos...
david buxton terry riley interpreter house of lords

BDA reps first to give evidence at House of Lords in BSL

Dr Terry Riley and David Buxton tell select committee that Equality Act is not effective for Deaf people and recommend establishment of a BSL...
bsl scottish colours fingerspelling

BSL Bill Passed

It was a landmark decision that will affect Deaf generations to come. At 5.05pm on 17 September, the British Sign Language (BSL) (Scotland) Bill...
march protestors

Stop Changes to Access to Work march

On Saturday 26 September, 1,000 deaf, disabled and non-disabled marchers from all over the UK took to the streets of London to protest against...
tom ferguson

Obituary: Tom Ferguson

Many have been deeply saddened by the news of the death of Tom Ferguson on the 7 August 2015.  Our thoughts and sympathy go...
nottingham have your say/listening event

Inside the BSL Charter

Signing up to commit its public services to the BSL Charter – ensuring it is equally accessible for all – is no easy feat....