2.4 C
London, UK
Monday, February 10, 2025
Picture of person using braille

Deafblind Technology

In 2008 Dr Arun Mehta, a disability rights activist, was making a speech in Bengalaru. He was talking about technology for disabled people when he felt someone touching his throat. It was Zamir Dhale, a Deafblind boy who was trying to understand him by feeling his Adam's apple vibrating.

Deafness and Mental Health

I researched into whether there is a higher occurrence of mental illness in deaf people than hearing. Although a simple question, there is no simple answer.
Gary with Surbiton resident Bob

Inspiring others: Deaf student praises veterans’ charity after placement

A deaf man is hoping his work placement at The Royal Star & Garter Homes encourages other people with auditory problems to achieve their goals.

How concentration fatigue can affect deaf people

Concentration fatigue, or tiredness is a thing! Simply, it’s when you have to concentrate hard on listening, lipreading or signing for a long period of time, and it tires you out. It’s most common in deaf people as we use our eyes more than our other senses, as they’re also our ears.

13 Reasons to Sign to Your Hard of Hearing or Cochlear Implanted Child

Extracted from "On Deafness" - By Elizabeth Engelman. When we implanted our profoundly deaf two-year-old son Micah with cochlear implants, we gave little thought to American Sign...

Family of Deaf man had to tell him he was dying as hospital did...

The South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust has apologised to the family of Thomas Carson who had to tell him he was dying because...

My Autism and Sign Language

I have been working with Autistic adults for more than a decade. Autism (which I myself have) is a neurological disorder that limits a...
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

People accept that I’m gay, but not that I’m disabled

Extracted from The Guardian – 13 January 2017 – As told to Joan McFadden.  When Jessica Kellgren-Fozard tells people she is gay, they generally smile and...
Audism - Painting by Nancy Rourke


Audism. That word has been around for a while, but I don’t feel like people really know what it means. The word was coined in 1975...

BDA expresses concern over lack of dementia support for deaf community

Extracted from Evening Times - Glasgow - 12/07/2017 CHARITY leaders have expressed concern about a lack of support services for people with dementia who are...