12.5 C
London, UK
Monday, May 6, 2024

Let’s get BSL into the National Curriculum

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXHxeCO-qCA] TV & Radio Presenter Wayne Barrow has set up an e-petition calling for British Sign Language to be part of the National Curriculum. The...
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The History of Interpreting

As long as Deaf sign language users have been around, there have been interpreters providing that crucial link to the mainstream world. But the...

Damning report into Margate School closure

In the March issue of BDN we reported on the effects of the sudden closure of the Royal School for Deaf Children in Margate....

Lawand – Breaking News

Here is a further update on today's story about the six-year-old deaf boy Lawand Hamad Amin and his family who fled Iraq because of...

WANTED! Firewalkers to fundraise money for new deaf academy

WANTED! Firewalkers to fundraise money for new deaf academy. Would you walk barefoot over red-hot embers to raise money for the New Deaf Academy in Exmouth?

London Assembly addresses Deaf mental health issues

Deaf people are suffering from a reduction in the provision of specialist care and poor access to communication support and information when they are...

The importance of Sign Language in early years

“It does not slow down your speech. Signing babies generally have better language capacity or language authority than babies who don't sign, because even though signing is physical, it's still a language. Whether it's manual or verbal is secondary to the point that you're learning to communicate your thoughts and ideas, learning to transmit your intentions to someone else and theirs to you.”

Deafness in Employment: To disclose or not disclose?

Finding employment can be challenging but when you have a hearing loss, it can become much harder. The theme: To disclose or not disclose, was sparked by an experience of mine and discusses whether deaf people should have to reveal their deafness to potential employers.

How I learnt a foreign language with a hearing loss

You might be wondering, how can a deaf person with speech, learn a foreign language? During my time at school, I learnt German. Here’s...

Swim England and UK Deaf Sport begin to make swimming more accessible

Swim England and UK Deaf Sport have teamed up to make swimming more accessible for deaf participants. The start of a swimming race can be challenging for deaf athletes: particularly those who are unable to wear hearing aids or cochlear implants in the water.