Deaf Debate: Caught between two worlds – What it’s like to be in the...
Have you ever felt like you don’t fit into a world that is literally designed for you? But not being accepted into this world can mean you’re juggling back and forth between two different worlds.
DAW Communication Tips
This week we’re celebrating Deaf Awareness Week (14-20th May).
There are approximately 10 million people in the UK with hearing loss (according to UK Council...
Can Deaf people become Lifeguards?
One of the myths about deafness is that Deaf people can’t do certain jobs, because being able to hear is a requirement, right?
Not always!
Tips for dating with deafness
Dating itself can be daunting but for deaf people it may feel ten times more challenging. Or for a hearing person meeting a deaf...
The importance of Sign Language in early years
“It does not slow down your speech. Signing babies generally have better language capacity or language authority than babies who don't sign, because even though signing is physical, it's still a language. Whether it's manual or verbal is secondary to the point that you're learning to communicate your thoughts and ideas, learning to transmit your intentions to someone else and theirs to you.”
How I learnt a foreign language with a hearing loss
You might be wondering, how can a deaf person with speech, learn a foreign language? During my time at school, I learnt German. Here’s...
Deaf Schools or Mainstream?
In 1792 Britain's first Deaf school, the Royal School for Deaf children, opened.
It was closed in December 2015. According to the British Association of Teachers of the Deaf (BATOD), the number of Deaf schools fell from 75-21, 1982-2016. From 2011-18, there was a 14% decline in teachers of the Deaf and a 31% increase in demand.
Deafness and Mental Health
I researched into whether there is a higher occurrence of mental illness in deaf people than hearing. Although a simple question, there is no simple answer.
A New Year, New Resolutions and Opportunities
Many of us make New Year’s resolutions. Some of us are successful in keeping them, others not so much! My New Year’s mantra is...
5 tips for deaf flying
Those who know me in person, will know that I am not a keen flier. Those who don’t know me at all, let me...