22.8 C
London, UK
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man becomes first deaf juror in English court

Matthew Johnston from London is believed to be the first profoundly deaf person to sit on a jury in a crown court in England...

Myths and misconceptions around deafness

Perhaps because I live and breathe it, I can’t quite understand why there are still so many inaccurate perceptions about deafness and hearing loss?

Two deaf friends to walk length of UK for Mental Health awareness

Two deaf friends will hike the length of the UK to raise money and awareness for mental health in deaf people.

Deaf people invited to share experiences of child sexual abuse

The Truth Project is launching a new service to enable Deaf people who were sexually abused as children to share their experience. The Truth Project, part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, is partnering with Deaf health charity SignHealth to support Deaf people to come forward.

The Life of William Shaw

William Shaw (1869-1949) was arguably the greatest Deaf inventor. He invented Deaf-friendly doorbells, alarms, clocks, baby monitors and phones.

Deaf Rave 2019

On May 27, Deaf Rave had its first outdoor festival in Tower Hamlets' beautiful Victoria Park. It was organised by 'DJ Chinaman' Troi Lee, who I had previously interviewed. I have been writing about the Deaf Community for more than a decade and yet I hardly ever meet Deaf people. Seeing them rather than just reading about them was so emotional.

Deaf Awareness Week: Celebrating Role Models

When I started blogging, I was also going through the process of finding my deaf identity, and part of that was looking for a deaf role model; someone to look up to. Other than the famous deaf celebrities, I couldn’t find that person and I aspired for an influential individual, so I figured why not become that person?

This Mother’s Day… Let’s Say Thank You!

This blog is dedicated to all the Mums of D/deaf children and adults, who have gone above and beyond to help make our world a better place.

Guest Blog: Mother’s Day – Deafness and what it means to me

With Mother’s Day coming up, I figured, why not turn the tables and give my wonderful Mum the opportunity to share her story of deafness and what it means to her.

Deaf Rave: Interview with Troi Lee

Troi Lee ‘DJ Chinaman’ has been organising Deaf Rave http://www.deafrave.com since 2003. I interviewed him about the barriers Deaf musicians can face and about his plans for a Deaf Festival.