8.8 C
London, UK
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
New Police information videos in BSL

Police information film available in BSL

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-itPJrlxmuo] A British Sign Language (BSL) film has been launched to highlight the difference between emergency and non-emergency SMS numbers for people who are...

Starbucks promote We Sign Cafe (BSL)

- It’s not uncommon for customers visiting London’s Jubilee Place, Canary Wharf Starbucks to sign “good morning” and “thank you” as they place their orders....

Family of Deaf man had to tell him he was dying as hospital did...

The South-Eastern Health and Social Care Trust has apologised to the family of Thomas Carson who had to tell him he was dying because...

Poundland Dagenham colleague wins highly commended in national award

Poundland is delighted to announce that one of their colleagues, Ridwan Ojetola, has won highly commended status in the Significant Achievement Award category at the...
Princess Alice of Battenberg

Prince William pays tribute to deaf great grandmother Princess Alice

While on a visit to Israel, Prince William (second heir to the throne following Queen Elizabeth II’s reign) spoke fondly of his deaf great grandmother, Princess Alice, and the life she led.

Analysis of the debate in Parliament for BSL to be on the National Curriculum

Despite the petition for British Sign Language (BSL) to be on the National Curriculum not reaching the normal threshold to be considered for debate...

Cardiff Deaf Centre building refurbishment fund – they need your vote

https://youtu.be/QH2ucOerBHE The Cardiff Deaf Centre is an old building, built in the 1900s; it was previously managed by the local council and over the years...

‘The Silent Child’ wins Oscar

The film ‘The Silent Child,’ which followed a young deaf girl being isolated until taught sign language, has won the Oscar for Best Live...

How concentration fatigue can affect deaf people

Concentration fatigue, or tiredness is a thing! Simply, it’s when you have to concentrate hard on listening, lipreading or signing for a long period of time, and it tires you out. It’s most common in deaf people as we use our eyes more than our other senses, as they’re also our ears.
Sheila Webster

Obituary: Sheila Webster

My mother, Sheila Webster (formerly Watson, nee Keil), who has died of cancer aged 76 on 13th March 2017, taught British Sign Language (BSL),...