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London, UK
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arthur Groom – Obituary

Arthur first started at Birmingham Deaf School and then went onto Northampton Deaf Club. He was interested in sports and organised the MDSA's cricket matches. In the 1960's he became involved with the BDA, being the Secretary, then the Chair of the Midland Regional Council, organising many activities.
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard

People accept that I’m gay, but not that I’m disabled

Extracted from The Guardian – 13 January 2017 – As told to Joan McFadden.  When Jessica Kellgren-Fozard tells people she is gay, they generally smile and...
The Superstars - Signature Annual Awards 2017

Announcing the Superstars of the Signature Annual Awards 2017

Last week, Signature held its ninth Signature Annual Awards to celebrate the people who are making positive changes and putting others first to improve...
Picture of Geraldine

Tracing Deaf Family History

“Tracing your Deaf family history can be harder than you think,” explains Geraldine O’Halloran during our interview, “but once you start it soon becomes...

Which are the best universities for studying Sign and which are the best for...

Universities are inherently problematic for BSL signers, as so much depends on developing networking skills. At the end of the day, go to the one with the largest number of Deaf students. It will have the best developed support network, and for hearing BSL students, the greatest BSL-using population to mingle with. Getting a degree is more important than what type of degree it is.
Gary with Surbiton resident Bob

Inspiring others: Deaf student praises veterans’ charity after placement

A deaf man is hoping his work placement at The Royal Star & Garter Homes encourages other people with auditory problems to achieve their goals.
granville redmond charlie chaplin

Deaf influence on celebrities

Famous artists have been influenced at some point in their careers by Deaf acquaintances who offered them – one way or the other –...
ruth montgomery

Under the spotlight: Deaf Talent – Ruth Montgomery

She’s been deaf from birth, but with her analogue hearing aids she has forged a career as a professional musician, teacher, visual artist and...

Lindsay Foster: The tenth Signature Annual Awards is our biggest yet

On Friday 9th November, we had the pleasure of hosting the tenth anniversary of The Signature Annual Awards. Bringing the awards back to the North East where Signature is based, The BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the banks of the river Tyne was the perfect venue for such a prestigious occasion.
arthur dimmock

Profile of Arthur Dimmock

From 1943 until 2006 Arthur Dimmock contributed an international news column called Girdle Around the Earth to the British Deaf Times, which later became...