17 C
London, UK
Saturday, July 27, 2024
Tony Boyce, our BDHS President, gave a welcoming speech and cut the ribbon to declare the Deaf Museum open

The Re-opening of the Deaf Museum (video)

https://vimeo.com/202917312 Following the move from our old premises at 11-13 Wilson Patten Street , the period from 1st October to 31st January saw the Deaf...

Power in Our Hands online now (BSL)

https://vimeo.com/204640918 "Power in Our Hands", the BDA's ground-breaking feature length documentary released in 2015, is now available to watch in the comfort of your own...
lawes extract

The History of Interpreting

As long as Deaf sign language users have been around, there have been interpreters providing that crucial link to the mainstream world. But the...

Deaf History March 22nd 1912

If you thought that campaigning and lobbying were recent additions to the BDA's portfolio, think again. On this day one hundred and five years...
Google Doodle

Google Doodle’s celebration of British Sign Language

As many children return to school this week, Google recently celebrated Britain's first school for the deaf, through a 'Google Doodle' of signing the letters of...
court room

An interpreter in the missioner era

During the 19th century the role of the sign language interpreter was often undertaken by education professionals and missioners. Anne Leahy and Cormac Leonard...
Deaf men helped NASA

‘I wanted to serve’: These deaf men helped NASA understand motion sickness in space

Extracted from The Washington Post - 5 May 2017 - By Sarah Larimer  Video above: In the 1960s, 11 men with ties to Gallaudet University...
arthur dimmock

Profile of Arthur Dimmock

From 1943 until 2006 Arthur Dimmock contributed an international news column called Girdle Around the Earth to the British Deaf Times, which later became...
leslie edwards presenting

Our Deaf legend: Leslie Edwards

He may have been dead for almost 65 years ago but the legacy of Leslie Edwards lives on. A whole new generation has been...
old court house

The 19th century deaf relay interpreter

In the third part of our interpreting history series Anne Leahy and Cormac Leonard look at two court cases in which deaf intermediaries facilitated...