kenya volunteers

Championing Deaf awareness in the developing world

A group of ten young Deaf British volunteers recently travelled to Nandi County, Kenya, where they worked alongside Deaf Kenyan volunteers to help Deaf...
arthur dimmock

Profile of Arthur Dimmock

From 1943 until 2006 Arthur Dimmock contributed an international news column called Girdle Around the Earth to the British Deaf Times, which later became...

12 year old’s legal campaign to have BSL as a GCSE

Daniel Jillings has set up his own legal campaign to fight for a GCSE in British Sign Language. The campaign is receiving support through crowdfunding contributions on CrowdJustice.

Deaf Profile Rajeev Bagga (BSL) Profile of the well-known Deaf Badminton champion and ‘Deaflympian of the Century’, Rajeev Bagga. Rajeev was born on 6 April 1967 in India but is...

Deaf funny

This week is Deaf Awareness Week... celebrating Deaf Culture and the wonderful community that we are a part of. Living with deafness isn’t all doom...
Three - BSL video screen shotvideo

Three launches free in-store Sign Language service for customers Three UK partners with Sign Solutions to enable Deaf customers to receive in-store support Three is launching a new in-store Video Relay service to help...
leah katz-hernandez white house

Video tour of The White House with Obama’s Deaf Receptionist

To mark the 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Leah Katz-Hernandez, the White House's first deaf receptionist, has produced a video tour...

This Mother’s Day… Let’s Say Thank You!

This blog is dedicated to all the Mums of D/deaf children and adults, who have gone above and beyond to help make our world a better place.

How media divides or bridges the Deaf and Hearing communities

Historians usually classify civilisations by their economy: agrarian, feudal, industrial etc. However, another way of dividing them is by how they convey information: verbal vs visual civilisations. Images contain more information per pixel and are universally understood, but English only requires 26 characters to be printed or typed.

Mandy Harvey – deaf singer got dazzled in “America’s Got Talent”

A phenomenal success for Mandy Harvey who became deaf in 10 years ago, aged 18, from a connective-tissue disorder where she has got ill,...